Friday, February 22, 2008


Hey again! I wanted to explain our name for those who don't have a clue what that means. I'll have to take you back a couple of years ago when I was still the nerd I am today. At that point in time I went through a phase for a little while where I liked to exclaim "w00t!" instead of "cool!" or something. One day my mom heard me say it and was completely weirded out. She was like - What the heck are you saying? I explained to her basically what it meant and she said "That's not a real word! I should make up my own words like that too! Like Fazjizj! That's even BETTER than w00t!" I told her it is a word and since he was there, Dustin went on to show her that it was a word and looked it up on Wikipedia for her.

I think the real kicker for her is Webster made w00t their word of the year for 2007 so it is now a word in their online open dictionary!

A sad tidbit for you all out there. I tried to get FAZJIZJ for my license plate and it was rejected! "Because it could be considered offensive to people!" I mean what is that! A made up word that basically means outstanding! Superb! Wonderful! This is the Greatest! Whatever...I'm not still upset about it or anything. :P

So spread the joy you all! Make Fazjizj your exclamation of choice! Spread the love! It's our family word and it could be yours if you let it too!


Chiemi said...

Hahahaha such a great word!

Kellie said...

I think I remember this now! Janet is so funny! I think I'LL make up crazy words to exclaim too! But maybe I'll make up words that aren't words, but by which people SHOULD feel offended by but they wouldn't know it! I'll get back to you on that word...