Friday, February 29, 2008

Puzzle of the Day

Ten candles stand burning in a dining room. A strong breeze blows in through an open window and extinguishes two of them. Checking back in on the candles later, you see that one more candle has gone out. To make sure no more flames go out, you shut the window. Assuming the wind doesn't extinguish any more candles, how many candles do you have left in the end?

* Please note that no actual candles were harmed in the creation of this puzzle.


Kellie said...

You still have ten candles. (But only seven are still aflame.)

Chiemi said...

I'd say you only have 3 left, since the other 7 will have burned down and melted away.

Can I say that I look forward the these puzzles, I've been sitting here for a good 15 minutes analyzing this one!

Kellie said...

I TOTALLY agree, Chiemi! It keeps me busy at work for a little while! ;)

ChristyVoltron said...

Sorry Kellie -- Chiemi gets the multi-colored toothpick raft prize today. Or should it be the multi-colored toothpick candleholder today? I'm glad you enjoy them. Jennie and I are sure having fun -- we laughed so hard yesterday with our Top 10 Cuties list that I am sore today. We enjoy your blogs too though -- so keep at it!!

Chiemi said...

WOOT! Hmm...I probably should have said fazjizj huh? I opt for the candleholder! :)

Ya...that top 10 cuties list...after the first couple I was like "hey...they're all the dude!"

Chiemi said...

opps...I meant to write the "the same dude" not just "the dude". Oh well.

ChristyVoltron said...

Or you could say THE Dude. To give him the prominence that he deserves. I still laugh every time I look at that Tron pic. My neighboring co-workers are beginning to get suspicious that I'm having way too much fun to be working.

Kellie said...

Wow... that guy's so the dude... *sigh*

Chiemi said...

You are having way too much fun!

Chiemi said...

lol Kellie!

ChristyVoltron said...

So glad we all appreciate him. I'll tell you those faux clear plastic glasses just make my heart go all pitter-pat.

Brwrr said...

Me too, Christy. Me too.

ChristyVoltron said...

I suspected that. Okay now my co-workers are trying to see what I'm reading. This is going to call for some serious faced quick typing on my part to distract them. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs. Is it working?

Kellie said...

hahahaha! It's pretty bad when you answer the phone laughing too!

ChristyVoltron said...

I can imagine. Sorry sir. Your company has just been sued for a million dollars and you need a lawyer? BWAHAHAHHA No, sir I'm laughing at plastic glasses. No sir, your business is important to us. BWAHAHAHAHA ::click::

Brwrr said...

If I had known that posting comments and blog posts would get people in trouble I would have posted more often! Fear not; I can change.

ChristyVoltron said...

Well good because if I'm unemployed I'm sure I can dream up a ton more stuff with which I need your help.