Thursday, February 21, 2008

Our World!

Christy and I have become Babylon 5 freaks lately. She got the entire series for X-mas and has started watching them. I started watching them again when my brother Brett found out that my new mp3 player plays videos really well on them. (Incidentally, my player doesn't play them well anymore since I dropped it and broke the screen. I'm holding out to getting a new one until the prices drop some more though. How's that for bad...I barely had it a month or so before destroying it!) But I'm still watching/listening to them when I'm walking to class. We've even pulled my mom into watching them again! :D

For anyone who's seen the show, Christy and I love Sheridan (or Babycakes as we dubbed him) the best. (Unless you count her liking Londo just as much if not more, which you'll note I'm not! :P) He makes me smile just to look at him! And we love the romance that goes on between him and Delenn (Hunny Bunny). Here is a picture I scanned of a B5 magazine that my bro Dustin just gave to me. I have no idea where he got it but Christy and I plan to enjoy it thoroughly. Christy is actually going through the series twice over...she's watching once with her husband Tom and re-watching again on her own at my pace. She's also finds interesting facts about the show that make you go, wow I never knew that!

I have to admit though that I have pulled ahead of her as she's been distracted by a game she just got for her DS called Professor Layton. She plans on letting me play once she's done with it (perhaps to slow me down?...j/k!). She's nearing the end of the first season while I just started the second season tonight. Yay! I'm glad I am finished with 1st season as it does not have Babycakes in it, it has Sinclair (or Eyebrows) who is just not as good.The show is still good in the 1st doubt about that...but it gets better and better as the seasons progress.

This is Jennie, signing out.


Kellie said...

YAY! You started a blog!!!!! SO s this Jennie, Christy and Janet's blog (or annonymous' blog)? That's awesome!!

Chiemi said...

LOL! Good for you guys! I'm glad you started a blog. I love reading other peoples blog. Yay for Babylon 5! I think I need to watch it again...sooo good!

ChristyVoltron said...

And just to be clear -- I like early silly Londo not dark buddies with Mr. Morden Londo.

Londo Mollari: But this…this, this, this is like… being nibbled to death by, uh…Pah! What are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feet…go "quack".
Vir Cotto: Cats.
Londo: Cats! I'm being nibbled to death by cats.

That Londo. And I like his hair.

Jennie said...

This is just the original anonymous' blog...Christy and Jennie.