Friday, September 12, 2008


Each string of letters below was formed by taking a common two-word phrase in which both words start with the same pair of letters, removing the first two letters from each word, and closing the space between the words. For example, NDSHIELDPER represents WINDSHIELD WIPER, which STRTICIPLE is PAST PARTICIPLE. If you can get 16 or more of the answers, then, good golly, you're clever: 1. AINLESSEEL; 2. JAMARTY; 3. OCOLATEIP; 4. CRETRVICE; 5. EEZEAME; 6. RDTALOG; 7. MMONLD; 8. ORTRIFT; 9. ASHOOD; 10. TTLELL; 11. ZZAE; 12. UNDBIN; 13. ENCHIES; 14. LLISIONURSE; 15. ERLLY; 16. UEOOD; 17. LONY; 18. MMYCK; 19. ARPENT; 20. TCE; 21. DIAK; 22. TRM; 23. LICOT; 24. TEVE.


Kellie said...

I could only get a few:
1-stainless steel
3-chocolate chip
4-secret service
6-card catalog
7-common cold

Dustin said...

1. STainless STeel
2. PAjama PArty
3. CHocolate CHip
4. SEcret SErvice
5. FReeze FRame
6. CArd CAtalog
7. COmmon COld
8. SHort SHrift
9. FLash FLood
10. CAttle CAll
11. PIzza PIe
12. ROund RObin
13. FRench FRies
14. COllision COurse
15. BEer BElly
16. BLue BLood
17. POlo POny (I had to look this up to make sure it was a real phrase! I also got SOlo SOny. ;)
18. TUmmy TUck
19. SEa SErpent
20. RAt RAce
21. INdia INk
22. FAt FArm (Ditto for this phrase. If you want to be sick, though, you should GEt GErm.)
23. CAlico CAt (This was hard.)
24. PEt PEeve

Pretty fun! Just the right difficulty level to make me think for a while. The last few are much harder though.